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Daniel Ingulli Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Ingulli

Hello, I am discouraged to know that there are regulations and restrictions being proposed that would severely hurt my investment strategy. Levered and inverse funds are very important to me and I strongly oppose such regulations and restrictions. Myself and my neighbors regardless of designation, education, or wealth should be allowed to choose for ourselves what risks we want to take. We are a country founded on freedom of choice and equal opportunity; to add qualifications to an investment opportunity clashes with this idea. For investors that are short the market a regulator should not be a judge and jury for that investment decision. Investors use levered funds to extend limited capital. These investments can also be used strategically to lower risk in a portfolio. It is a strong belief of mine that these restrictions and regulations should not go forward. Our government should have its citizens best interest in mind and this is not going to promote our welfare. We are a "free market," please dont create unreasonable barriers and leave us our freedom of choice. Thank you.