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Daniel Hershberger Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Hershberger

Gentle ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you do not prevent investors from using various forms of ETF's, structured funds, and all the other forms of investment vehicles that some of us like to use to protect and enhance our portfolios. Speaking for myself only, because I cannot speak for all the other market participants as there are too many and they have areas of expertise that I don't, some of those funds are a great help to me. In my case, I use leveraged funds which allows me to keep more of my resources in reserve rather than put them all at risk. This had had a positive effect on my returns. I don't use much of the other available tools since i don't need them and don't understand most of them. I don't use PhD level mathematics for the same reason, but I appreciate that it would be available to me if I should want to.
More helpful oversight functions, if you can do that, might be to 1)make sure that these companies offering the investment vehicles operate as advertised, and 2)crack down on the insider trading allowed to proliferate among members of the House and the Senate.
Thank you for your time.