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Daniel Cochran Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Cochran

Dear Regulators:

I have been an investor in various markets for more than 50 years with experience ranging from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to ETFs, commodities, real estate, complex financial instruments, and, most recently, crowd funding offerings. I understand, accept, and limit the risks of my investments. I should not be limited in my investments or be required to take creative means to legally circumvent restrictions, just because others fail to educate themselves about their investments and risks.

I have seen situations where corporations fail to disclose risks in their quarterly or annual reports because it was previously disclosed in some obscure SEC filing. Also, I have seen Mutual Funds and ETFs that fail to disclose their underlying investments and associated risks. If any action is needed, it is to ensure better disclosure and to better enforce the multitude of regulations already in existent. Regulating what people choose to do with their own money is not the answer.