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Dan Dudek Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Dan Dudek

This attack on the individual investor seems to occur anytime the stock markets drop 10% or more. It seems FINRA looks for a scape goat and acts out to attack us by trying to destroy opportunity and product selection. They don't seem to understand the true reason why the stock market so elevated and due for a greater fall. The Federal Reserve illegally violated the Federal Reserve Act, Section 13, in 2020, with a dangerous intervention into broad-based purchase of corporate bond purchases. They also printed 1 trillion dollars in a single day, printed over 4 trillion dollars since that time, and printed more money in the last few years than their entire existence. I suggest you shift your focus away from punishment of the individual investor and take a very close look at the illegal activity of corporate bond buying by the Fed in 2020. I also suggest taking a look at limiting the amount of money the Fed can print to a small percentage of taxpayer's debt. This would prevent stock market bubbles, real estate bubbles, out of control government spending, and the flow of endless free money which is root cause of all financial volatility. Please leave these products and the innocent individual investor alone and please start going after the real problem.