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Dale Tregoning Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

dale tregoning

To whom it may concern, Id like to make my voice heard regarding notice #22-08. Ive been investing for something like 25 years and started using leveraged ETFs since before the " great recession " of 2008, using them with regards to the major indexes. In that time I have never had a problem and the ETFs I used did exactly what they were advertised to do in both up and down markets. Having experience with these investment instruments, Ive based some strategies around them , strategies that have worked quite well and having access denied especially at this point in the market cycle would be a disaster causing great financial harm and not by the leveraged ETFs themselves but by the regulators who propose to do some sort of public good, however, it would have quite the opposite effect.! The unforeseen consequences could be quite dramatic and not in a good way. I cannot emphasize enough that this is a terrible idea! These instruments have been a great tool for me to generate returns in my retirement account and have never been a problem in any way. thank you and regards, Dale Tregoning