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Dale Rice Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Dale Rice

The use of this these leveraged products has allowed my account to have excellent returns over the last many years from 2008 until now. I have only used the upside 2X leverage products and received very large returns, 1500% to 3500 % returns from 2008 through 12/31/2021. Yes there is high risk in these products unless they are used properly. So, what is proper use. If the products are only used when the markets or sectors are down 15-40% or more, the odds of the upside become much greater. And, if the markets stay strong for years afterwards (2008-2021) the leverage products have these large returns, and change peoples lives for the better. If the markets start weakening from the positive growth, like now, one can always sell the positions any time during the trading day. I had a Roth account with $11,000 in it, because I could not contribute more since my wife and I started making too much money. That account today has $149,832 in it today by me leaving the leverage product in place. Yes, it was higher before this year's market correction started, but it still up 13 times, or 1300 % plus, what it would have been had I left it in treasury bonds.

So, please do not eliminate these options for me and others. I did this with a diversified portfolio of the top one hundred stocks from the Nasdaq, QLD, which has 100 stocks in the index, it is just levered by 2X. Not everyone can pick one great stock to do this with, it is much safer to do in an ETF with 100 stocks in it, like QLD.

Thanks for listening. Please do not eliminate my and other peoples options to use these products just because they require more knowledge to use. Investing in general requires lots of complicated knowledge to be successful. Please do not handicap us further by eliminating the few products we have for high diversified returns.