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Dale Bartholomew Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Dale Bartholomew

Having been an investor in Inverse and Leveraged funds over the last several years, I am strongly opposed to any governmental restrictions on my freedom and right to invest in these public investment securities. Like Cigarettes', requiring the current warning labels is as far as the government should go to warn the public about the risks involved. .Any further restrictions on the publics ability to invest in Inverse and Leveraged security products; such as requiring special training or test passing, having a high net worth, receiving special approvals, etc.; would unfairly and inappropriately restrict general public access. Such restrictions would unfairly favor the already wealthy, highly educated, and otherwise privileged, and could definitely be classified as racest and a limit to Constitutional Freedoms. As with Cigarettes, with warning, the general public must be just as free to invest in any product they choose as anyone. I am strongly opposed to any restriction that will limit my ability to protect or hedge my investments and seek enhanced returns as I have done with Inverse and Leveraged investment securities in the past.