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Daima Hines Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daima Hines


I have traded stocks as an individual retail trader for 20 years. I trade in a very short term and responsible manner, and supplement my retirement account using this method.

As a licensed hairdresser by trade with no college education, I have earned the bulk of the money I will retire on trading triple leveraged etfs successfully. Removing my ability to trade these tickers would severely negatively impact my ability to continue growing my account at the current rate I am able to achieve, which has me on track to be able to retire without a company retirement plan benefit. I have never worked at a corporation so I have no benefits including no 401k, and no retirement savings match.

If you remove my ability to trade triple leveraged products, I will suffer a devastating setback.

Thank you for reading my comments and taking them under consideration!