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D Provance Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

D Provance

I OPPOSE restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.

It is my money and therefore my choice on how to spend my money. If I wish to invest it, donate it, or spend it on frivolous things, so be it. The government has no right to dictate or "protect me" on my investment choices.

I find it particularly insulting that regulators want to curtail my choice in investment strategies because they think I am not smart enough to make my own decisions. However, the government allows gambling -- especially state-run lotteries -- that targets people with little to no discretionary funds and a very, very low probability of a positive return on their "investments."

I use a variety of strategies to enhance the value of my investment portfolio. My investments include bonds, stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. I routinely use DRIPs (one I've owned since the 1990s), options (calls and puts), and other strategies.

I am a very prudent and consequently a very successful investor. Regulators should not be hindering my ability to make more money regardless of my net worth.