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Curt Spencer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Curt Spencer

Hello SEC Well here we go again. I thought we had this matter settled a few years age when I sent my last public comment to you but apparently not. It is my understanding that the following items are being considered in order for someone to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. 1. Pass a regulator imposed test of your specialized investor knowledge 2. Demonstrate high net worth 3. Get special approval from my broker 4. Attest to reading certain materials 5. Go thru cooling off periods where I cant invest Now I have some questions for you. Where were you when Bernie Madoff was ripping off people and charitable organizations for some thirty years or more for billions of dollars? Where were you when it came to Enron and $80 billion in market cap vanished in thin air? Where were you regarding World Comm accounting fiasco? Where were you in the regulation of investment banks during the sub prime mortgage mess? Do you guys read the financial materials of the CPAs you are supposed to regulate? Oh and buy the way Uncle Sam the last time I looked you have $20 trillion in debt whereas I have zero $0 debt on my balance sheet yet your the one who is going to tell me what to invest in I think not! Also since you are so worried about my qualifications I am a former NASDA series 6,7,63,65 with a first time pass on the 7 with a score of 84. I have 40 years of banking and accounting experience. Furthermore I have used leveraged funds for the last 13 years they have made considerable positive financial results for me and with them it is in my opinion that they serve an important part of my financial future. It seems to me SEC you need to find something useful to do that would benefit the American people that was for once proactive rather than reactive. Curt Spencer [REDACTED]