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Cosmo Guerini Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Cosmo Guerini

As a grown adult living in the United States of America, I believe that everyone should have the freedom to invest as they please, regardless of the privileges afforded to them by the circumstances of their birth or upbringing. Someone who is literate enough to purchase leveraged exchange-traded funds is similarly literate enough to research and understand them. In most cases, these leveraged funds are actually safer than more "accessible" investments like individual stocks and cryptocurrencies, and yet FINRA desires to impede involvement with the former, not the latter. This is nonsensical.

I benefit greatly from the in-built daily rebalancing of leveraged exchange-traded funds. It allows me to leverage, hedge, and diversify a broadly invested portfolio of stocks and bonds without needing to worry as much about managing exposure as I would with margin loans or futures.

Should you obstruct my ability to invest in leveraged funds, my risk of bankruptcy would increase substantially, perhaps even multiplicatively, ironically enough.

Please do the right thing. Respect the intelligence and freedom of individual investors. My mistakes are mine to make, but leveraged funds with their daily rebalancing of exposure actually protect me, and others like me, more than they endanger me. Consider this when making your decision.