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CL Shrippitin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

CL Shrippitin

This proposed action is totally unacceptable in a free country. Instituting this policy will demonstrate that this government agency, and therefore this administration, believes in totalitarianism in its truest form. Is this really what you want to do and be remembered for, bringing this beloved country closer to fascism??
Let me spell this out for you:
- In a FREE country, I should be able to choose where I want to invest MY money, the money I worked for. All public investment options should be available to ALL, not just those whom the government chooses.
- Pass a test before I can invest in certain securities??? Is this a joke?? Who or what has given you that authority?? Again, all public investment options should be available to ALL, not just those whom the government chooses.
- Demonstrate a high net worth before being "allowed" to invest in these options??? And who defines "high net worth"? Your agency??? Under what authority?? Again, all public investment options should be available to ALL, not just those whom the government chooses.
It seems as if this agency is way overstepping its authority. Unless your intent is to continue to take away even more of our American freedoms, it seems that abandoning this illegitimate idea would be the best course of action. Hopefully, there are still enough true-blooded, freedom-loving AMERICANS on this committee to do so.