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Cindy Dool Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Cindy Dool

I want the right to invest in Bitcoin. Be it an ETF, Digecoin, or any type of digital currency. Public has allowed me to invest on my terms. I understand the risk involved with buying any stock be it cryptocurrency, blue chip, mutual fund, or bond. Putting restrictions on my account is another layer of beurucacy. If I had wanted to spend hours on paperwork and federal and state forms, I would have gone to a stock broker. Nope, my account is not large enough for them to consider me as a customer. Public has allowed me to become an investor with a small budget. Everyone understands the market has risk. As an investor we must do research and make choices that we the investor are comfortable with. I want to create a disversified account with my limited fund. At this time it includes cryptocurrency and stock.