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Christopher Metcalf Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Christopher Metcalf

I know what I'm doing with regard to my own investments. I should not have to jump through regulatory hoops to invest my own hard-earned money without significant regulation like "the big boys."

I shouldn't have to go through special processes like passing a test or demonstrating a high net worth to buy what I want with my own money. Ever. This sort of regulatory overreach would ultimately make my retirement more difficult.

I use leveraged funds as a limited portion of my portfolio and I would like to continue doing so for the next 30 years or so until I am ready to retire. I understand to diversify and I also save a significant amount of my after expenses savings as all cash.

If you let people make their own mistakes in the markets, they ultimately stop doing overly risky things. Excessive regulations just dusproportionately burden small investors.