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Christopher Brooks Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Christopher Brooks

I wish to state my strongest objection to what I perceive to be an overt attempt by power-hungry control freaks in the federal government relating to limiting access to investment opportunities in, among other vehicles, inverse and leveraged funds. This is nothing more than a solution in search of a problem, in my view, and is a dangerous step toward government control of the marketplace.

The government's job is to stay out of the way and out of the open market so investors can balance -- as only they know -- their individual sensitivities with respect to risk and reward. I want the opportunity to decide for myself, not from some nanny-state bureaucrat, what tools I want to use to maximize my investment returns or to protect what I've spent a lifetime of thrift and careful personal financial management in building.

I oppose with my strongest feelings the restrictions that are proposed to limit access to financial investment strategies that may include public investments such as mentioned above.