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Christopher Avrit Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Christopher Avrit

I strongly oppose the proposed legislation to limit individuals from investing in so called complex securities. I have the right to choose how I spend my time and money and I disagree with efforts to ban me from products I have already purchased after significant research and time. I buy leveraged funds as a way to mitigate my overall risk while pursuing higher returns. Leveraged funds allow me to keep the majority of my retirement and HSA assets in standard ETFs and individual stocks and pursue more interesting strategies with a limited portion of my portfolio. I like them because they allow me the advantages of shorting or using leverage without the opportunity to lose more than I invest. My loss is capped at my investment with leveraged funds which has allowed me to short various market sectors and increase my exposure to opportunities I see without having to invest as much cash. Many investment opportunities are already gated behind accredited investor status that would be beneficial to many individuals. Crooked products such as annuities already exist that are guaranteed to cause high fees and skim off market returns. I appreciate the desire to protect the individual but I think that is done much more effectively through increased information being made available rather than bans.