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Chris Hayes Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Chris Hayes

To whom it may concern -- I am a fairly knowledgeable investor who looks to maximize my returns utilizing levered funds. I know the risks that go along with my investments and accept those. I do not see where FINRA ought to be involved in creating a nanny-state mentality to protect investors. There are more than enough regulations in the financial sector to cover investors. Additional regulation or elimination of these funds is pandering to the uninformed, blame shifting, and incompetent drones. The right to invest my money where I think it is important should be left to me, not you. If an investment vehicle has been approved to be traded on the open market, I not you should be able to select that vehicle without needing specialized pre-approval. I do consider the use of levered funds to be critical to my fiscal goals, and plan to teach my children on how to use them as well. We should not be beholden to you, or any entity from Congress, on how they are made available for our personalized goals. You wouldn't want me selecting how you invest your hard earned monies, I should hope you won't be telling me the same. Please feel free to reach out to me if you wish to discuss this further.