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chris campbell Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

chris campbell


I don't want my rights removed. Its bad enough that the individual investors have less rights and access to funds than the industry insiders and professionals. I don't want any less access to any funds you are considering restricting. I invest in select funds that you are considering limiting. I use them to hedge my investments in other stocks and funds. They are a very important part of my investment strategy and portfolio. This will definately take a negative toll on my overall investment outlook. I understand fully that it is my responsibility to research any potential risk of any such funds prior to purchase. It is my own responsibility to measure and calculate my own risk when purchasing any such funds. Leveraged funds, in particular, are an important part of my portfolio. The risk should be mine to take, whether a negative or positive gain. Please refrain on any such action that will limit my ability to invest for my future and retirement.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my wishes. I hope you take my views into serious account.

Kindly, Chris.