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Charles La Motta Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Charles La Motta

Dear Sir or Mz, Please do not put into place any regulation or test which would impede a retail investors ability to trade leveraged index funds. Trading leveraged index funds such as ProShares funds is a convenient, easy way for a small investor to make a good living. There is always risk in any trading activity. This is well understood by the great majority of traders whether small or professional. (Incidentally, my broker Charles Schwab very clearly warns its customers before allowing them to trade leveraged funds.) The kinds of rules or tests you are considering, however well intentioned, will not protect small traders but will simply limit our opportunities. We will instead be forced to use less convenient, less lucrative, and probably even riskier vehicles to make a living. Please let individuals continue to make their own decisions about the amount of risk they are willing to take on. Anything less will simply limit the opportunities a free market provides. Sincerely, Charles La Motta