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Charles Fujikawa Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Charles Fujikawa

It has come to my attention that there maybe regulations imposed on investors who invest in Inverse ETF's. I am a very small investor. My account size is less than $50,000. However, I use these ETF funds as a counterweight to my 401k investment accounts and other investments.
I am not an uneducated investor, and am well aware of the risks of investing, having traded both Futures contracts, and have employed Options strategies for both stocks and futures. It is an important element of diversifying a portfolio that the mainstream investment community ignores, and one in which the Brokerage houses control. The small investor has very limited defensive options, and/or speculative opportunities compared to the large institutions.
Both sides of a trading vehicle should be available to the smaller investor within the rules of the Brokerage house, and not determined by an outside regulator.