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Charles Bolin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Charles Bolin

I have been investing in stocks since 2015. I've been picking and choosing my own investments without help from any financial professional. In 2020 I had an account with TD Ameritrade and an account with Acorns doing ETFs. The stocks I picked with TD Ameritrade at my own discretion outperformed my ETF account picked by acorns.

People diserve the right to manage their own money and pick their own investments. I am not rich but I have multiple investments across a few different platforms, from bonds to stocks and ETFs. I don't think I should have to be wealthy or demonstrate special knowledge to invest my money. If I loose it, oh well, investments are a gamble and no particular outcome is guaranteed.

Finally, placing restrictions on investments will only serve to keep poor and middle class individuals from generating assets and welth, it will serve as a lock on the door to the wealthy class. Please don't pass any regulations that kick poor people out of the investment market.