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Charlene Taylor Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Charlene Taylor

To whom it may concern,

I oppose restrictions on my right as a US citizen to invest in PUBLIC investments as this SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 is trying to do. As an investor, I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me & my family. Public investments are just that - investments that need to be available to ALL of the public, not just those who have large portfolios or who can obtain special approvals to obtain them.

As an investor you ALWAYS invest with risk, I do not need a test to make me aware of this!! It is written on every prospectus, you see it advertised in banks, as well as before you even place the orders to buy from your brokers etc. I already research my investments PRIOR to investing, which includes SQQQ, a leveraged inverse ETF. I use this particular one to hedge against other investments to provide me with enhanced returns but it is a very limited part of my overall portfolio.

This proposed rule is written to be more of a way to cut out small investors by its language than a protective measure. It needs to be dropped immediately.