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Chaim Landau Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Chaim Landau

I plead to you on my behalf & on behalf of my family. I am a "small" account holder, for the past 10 years I trade "only" these leveraged ETF's & ETN's. I mastered my own system and this is my only income. If you regulate these investments to large accounts I will be cut out of my livelihood. Finding a new trading system trading other equities will take a lot of time trial & error, by the end it could put my account in "greater" risk. Please bar me from my primary skill and earnings. Any trader and investor knows they must do research to understand what they're doing. I shouldn't lose my livelihood because of a few irresponsible players. In the end its my money and should be able to invest it in whichever way I want. Please take us SMALL investors into consideration.

Thank You