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Chad Nestor Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Chad Nestor

To whom it may concern,

I have been managing my own investments for 30 years using a variety of ETFs, CEFs, BDCs and inverse funds. I do not make a great deal of money from my self-employment income, so in addition to long-term investing for my retirement, I also supplement my income with occasional short-term trades.

Investment vehicles like these have been integral, not only to help me keep above water in thin times, but for long-term buy-and-hold purposes, too. In fact, one of my longest-held investments, in my Roth IRA, is a BDC, in which I have been reinvesting monthly dividends for over a decade. One day I hope to use those dividends as income to help pay my monthly bills. Right now, as I write this, I am using an inverse ETF as a hedge to offset losses during this current bear market

I am strongly opposed to regulations that would prevent, or otherwise hinder, my ability to utilize these kinds of investment vehicles.