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Brittany Woytowitz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brittany Woytowitz

What is the purpose of this change? It seems that this change is to benefit institutional investors by restricting retail investors access to complex products. Leveraged and inverse ETFs are incredibly important to my trading strategy and would be detrimental to my portfolio to remove or limit my access to these products. These are important protections and funds available to continue growing my investments in a bear market. Without full and unrestricted access to these products, my ability to grow my net worth would be limited. As an investor, it is important to understand the risks associated with any and all trading strategies. In this regard, I do think it is important to provide risk disclosures to retail investors. But ultimately, it is an individuals responsibility to educate themselves and make a decision for their own capital. In my experience, my brokers provide plenty of self-directed educational material and webinar opportunities to learn. Its an individuals responsibility to take advantage of these materials. At the end of the day its not any of your business how much money I use, where I place my investments, and whether I generate profits or losses from these investments. Putting these limitations in place favor the institutional investor and is no longer an equal opportunity market for all investors. Limiting access to these funds limits a free market for all. I do not support the proposed limitations to funds or prerequisites to investing. I do support additional educational material and risk profile availability.