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Brian Reid Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brian Reid

Hi there, I have been using leveraged ETFs for around 2 years. They are very useful products for investors. Under the guise of protecting people from themselves you are planning to limit access (shocking they will still be available for the very rich) when retail investors like myself have been using them for years without any problems. Having more investment products available is always a good thing. We don't need you to protect us from ourselves. If rich people are allowed access all retail investors need to have access as well. We don't want your regulation. Take your [REDACTED] "were helping the little guy" [REDACTED]. The only thing FINRA is looking out for here is high net worth individuals at the expense of retail investors. Leveraged products aren't difficult to understand or use. Certainly no more difficult than options trading and you don't restrict that so leave my ETFs alone. You aren't helping instead your just protecting the rich from competition in the markets. Stop it! You are doing the opposite of what your intended purpose is.