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Brian Omosanya Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brian Omosanya

I'm shocked and appalled at the idea of this. Why is it that the powers that be never fail at trying to crush the little guy? When I received notification from my Broker I had to call to verify because I just knew it was a scam to get my info. Is this not AMERICA? Let me tell you a little about me. I'm a High School dropout. I always wanted to be a rock star so my studies suffered. In my early twenties I became a Father. By the year 2000 I was a 28 year old Father of 2 supporting them on a salary of lower level retail management. The only way I've been able to make it over the hump is by teaching myself to navigate the stock market. I'm a living example of the average guy being able to understand and utilize complex investment instruments. This is not something that should only be provided to the privileged. I understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. It's like life you endure the bad to get the good. I use these instruments to protect my investments and capture profits. I continue to study and educate others on the industry. DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY AMERICAN DREAM! The Stock Market has always been a level playing field for the rich and poor, educated and uneducated, privileged and unprivileged. Yes the privileged have an advantage don't enhance it.