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Brian Davis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brian Davis

You people should concentrate on regulating the markets so that corrupt politicians don't pocket all the cash. I am an investor in leverage funds, inverse index funds, and various short ETFs, some of which are risky. I am capable of deciding what to do with my own money. I am capable of assessing my risk tolerance. We the people don't need to be treated like babies. Some of my favorites are UVXY, SPXU, SOXS, TECL, SOXL, TQQQ, SQQQ, TECS. These funds allow me to have a broad investment portfolio. I don't have to worry about retirement, I have 4 different brokerage accounts and a 401k, my wife has a brokerage account, a 403b, and a state pension. Like I said, worry about the corruption in the markets and leave our freedoms [REDACTED] alone.