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Brian Cunningham Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brian Cunningham

The proposal to ban or limit leveraged ETFs is downright wrong and is un-American in every aspect. These are valid & legal securities, just like gold, or bonds, or any single stock. Do traders of these assets need special approval, or have any other restrictions to their trading?
An investor or trader can lose just as easily and quickly with any of these assets, or even real estate for that matter. Life is a 'buyer-beware' journey, where you learn as you go and earn your wisdom. If crypto currencies can be traded by an 18yr old kid, then I think we can keep the leveraged ETFs. This is a ridiculous proposition.
Additionally, the options premiums on these leveraged assets are higher than ordinary ETFs, which allows me to generate monthly income with less capital at risk. I will be MORE at risk if I am restricted from trading these assets.
Please do not pass these restrictions.