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Brett Owens Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brett Owens

I've been investing for the last 21 years (since I was 19 years old). I am now 40 years old with two kids, seven and four.

I am capable of making my own investment decisions.

Leveraged and inverse funds help me execute on strategies that I have developed over my career as an investor. They are liquid, they are convenient, and they are safe with people who know how to use them.

Restricting or banning leveraged and inverse funds would be like banning kitchen knives because they are not safe.

Our kitchen knives hang above our sink. We don't let our young kids use them. We adults use them. The kids get to use their own plastic knives to cut their strawberries.

Same idea with investment vehicles. Adults should be allowed to make their own decisions. Leveraged and inverse funds are like kitchen knives.

Dangerous in the hands of someone inexperienced? Of course. But necessary to make dinner.

My trading gains help me provide for my family. Banning certain ETFs would be like banning kitchen knives. Sure, I could still provide for my family. But you'd be making me prep dinner with my kids' plastic knives.

Please do not restrict our right to choose our own investment vehicles.