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Brett McCabe Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brett McCabe

Hello, I unequivocally reject the idea that the government needs to further regulate investments by inserting themselves in the decision making process about where and how I invest my money by requiring certain requirements be met prior to investing in a certain fund. This is an egregious abuse of power and contrary to a free market. Restricting leveraged and inverse fund availability to those who meet certain criteria would restrict the free market participation of millions of investors and significantly dampen my ability to effectively trade my strategies depending on my personal views and desires. We do not need a government babysitter looking over our shoulder and deciding what they think is best for our portfolios or in any way limiting our ability to participate in the markets how we do choose. Furthermore, there needs to be a review of day trading limitations on investors as it too restricts free market practices by only allowing the Uber rich to day trade and limits the ability of smaller investors to actively participate in the daily oscillations of the markets.