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Brendan Nelson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brendan Nelson

As an investor these products allow us to hedge our portfolios during market downtrends, which can be an easier and far more cost effective method to shorting stock, while also being less complicated then having to buy puts on an underlying index or security. The leveraged funds allow investors to profit off of bull runs in the market, especially in a time where a standard 10% return on the S&P 500 index is does not generate high enough returns to retire off of. In this day and age most Americans only have a 401k as the final retirement pillar, due to the near extinction of the traditional pension fund, and the expected depletion of social security.

Housing prices have reached all time highs and show no signs of slowing down due to the intervention of investment firms keeping housing prices popped up. These funds while volatile can help people put money away to afford a home in this unprecedent time. Along with how high inflation has become which eats into the average Americans real returns over time

funds in the commodity sector allow small investors to profit decent returns off of a market that rarely moves, and also allows access into this market.

These funds also give investors a way to learn about non traditional investments, such as, options, futures, swaps, and forwards.

I hope you have taken my words into account and thank you for your time