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Brandon Wilbanks Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brandon Wilbanks

FINRA, Most people, including myself, who have managed to save any money are fully capable of researching leveraged funds and deciding if investing in them suits our needs and risk levels. We should not have to go through any kind of special process or pass any kind of a test. These funds are mostly used to hedge against unexpected shocks to the market and must be entered into, or exited, in a timely manner. As such, putting any kind of a waiting period or cooling off period would cause much more harm than good. Even if there are some people using these products incorrectly, or using them and not understanding them, It quite frankly shouldn't be any of your business. These people are responsible for their own actions and for their own education. People making both good and bad decisions is what makes a market. The market can better take care of itself without your interferance. If you all really want to do something productive, focus on stopping and reversing government manipulation of the markets and the money supply. If the government would stop QE and QT and stop manipulating supply and demand, the market could do its job and true price discovery could be realized and everyone could do well, both rich and poor, professional investor and novice. As it is now, it is a crap shoot because of government regulation and interference. Please, stop trying to "help" us. We don't need a nanny.