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Brandon Chee Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brandon Chee

Dear FINRA Regulators,

I am a new investor who has benefited greatly from the variety of exchange-traded funds on the public securities market. I have seen great gains through the use of leveraged, inverse leveraged, and volatility index tracked funds. Since I understand the inherent risks of trading these funds, I firmly believe that most investors with basic knowledge can learn and understand how to properly use leveraged and inverse funds. They are not suitable for all investors, but many private investors like me will be harmed if these funds are no longer able to be traded or restricted to those with a certain amount of holdings in their portfolio. These funds are not just used for speculation - I have used a volatility index tracking fund to hedge against the recent uncertainty in the US stock markets. Anyone eligible to invest deserves to have the right to invest in any public investments: mutual funds, ETFs, ETNs, etc.
No more restrictions on our right to invest in public securities!