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Bradley Sorte Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Bradley Sorte

I strongly subject to regulators determining how and where I should be allowed to invest my own money. I have 4 college degrees, 2 bachelor degrees 2 masters degrees including an MBA. I run $100 million multi state company managing an endowment in excess of $50 million. It doesnt seem necessary or appropriate for regulators to make a blanket determination that personal investors should be required to pass tests and seek permission to engage in the legal act of spending and investing their money the way that they choose. If regulators want to ensure that only accredited investors can invest in certain types of risky investments as has been done for private equity for many years that is sensible but this is excessive as these are important components to a diversified portfolio that allows personal investors to be nimble in developing hedging positions and they restrict my rights as an individual unduly and probably unconstitutionally. I will join any legal action that is brought against this legislation or administrative action as I see it as a fundamental action against my individual rights as a sovereign person and I will fight to unseat and ensure that anyone who supports this legislation or administrative action never gets elected in my district and will make that known to all of my politicians who represent me.