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Boyd Bosaw Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Boyd Bosaw

Dear FINRA Regulators, To whom it may concern. I would prefer that you stay out of my business. The less government we have the better, is my absolute opinion. What ever I want to invest in is my concern and my concern only, not yours . I oppose any further government involvement what so ever. Leveraged and inverse funds such as (SQQQ & FAZ) are an especially important part of my strategy. in my case, I feel is my constitutional right to invest into any fund I chose. All of you goodie - two - shoes, thinking that you are doing a good service by limiting my ability to invest into what ever I want are sadly mistaken. The leveraged funds that I invest into defiantly help me to protect (hedge) my other funds, specialty my silver & gold ETF's, like SIVR, and GLD (which are already seriously suppressed by the Fed), which in my opinion should be abolished anyway. I am a retired research engineer and have had to put up with all kinds of your so called regulating agencies, all my life. It seams that most all of these Fed Agencies (FINRA ) start out with good intentions but eventually fall far short of helping anyone but the rich. Go home FINRA and burn your Notice #22-08 as we the people do not need your advise nor your protection. As we are all thinkers and don't want or need your [REDACTED].