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Bob Dixon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Bob Dixon

To whom it may concern,
Please reconsider placing any restrictions on investing in leveraged and inverse funds. These funds are an important part of my investing strategy, and in particular I have been able to take advantage of pricing swings in a way I wouldn't have were these funds restricted to me, resulting in gains I'd otherwise have forfeited (not to mention the benefits to the US of the taxes I've paid to the IRS as a result of those gains). Investing always involves risk, and I strongly believe it is incumbent on every individual to understand those risks for themselves. It's not that I don't believe in regulation...I actually appreciate the efforts of regulators to prevent fraud. But placing constraints such as net worth requirements discriminate against people of lesser means, and constraints such as cooling off periods diminish the ability to be nimble and responsive. Thank you for your time.