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Blue Beckham Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Blue Beckham

This is absolutely crazy.

Institutional investors and others have long had access to and the ability to invest in equities that were never available to the public, including pre-IPO, private placements, and other vehicles to either hedge their investments or generate returns they would otherwise not see.

Blanket limitations based on vague wording are not only wrong but another means of protecting the privileged. This is absolutely insane. I have personally invested in leveraged (and at times inverse) funds as part of my retirement strategy with excellent results. You do not have the right to take that away from me. I have worked very hard for my money and I deserve every advantage that larger more "sophisticated" traders have.

It is hard enough as a "retail investor" to compete against institutions, high frequency traders, and insider trading. Limiting my options will make it even harder.