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Blaine OBrien Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Blaine OBrien

I am writing today to express my disappointment that you are considering regulations limiting my publicly available investment options. Only through a wide and diverse array of investment options can a diverse and balanced portfolio be maintained. As an investor in the market today, just as in 2008-2009, maintaining a hedge against extreme volatility is an important and needed aspect of my portfolio management. Without access to the entirety of publicly available funds you would be limiting my well thought out strategies to maintain and build wealth for myself and family.
Publicly available funds and market must be available to the public without restrictions and limitations. Are you really proposing creating a class based system to access publicly traded investment options? All who invest in the market are aware of the risks. I personally choose to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. I understand the risks and rewards this type of fund provide. I do not want you to impose any limitation on my ability to make investment decisions for myself.