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Beverly Hallett Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Beverly Hallett

Dear Sir or Madame, I appreciate you hearing my comments regarding your desire to limit inverse and leveraged funds. First of all, we have a right to participate in the market in this area, since I'm aware that every large brokerage institution (bank) has the ability to short or go long the market. Why would you restrict the ability of the average investor to accomplish the same goals, and that is the protection of our assets. Many investors have been harmed by the buy and hold strategy, and have, in effect, had little or no return on their investments. So please tell me why you would allow a market maker such as Goldman Sachs to short the market when they desire, but deny the average American the ability to do so. Public investments should be available to the public! You should not be able to require any special training for those of us who understand what inverse funds accomplish. I have adequate, and have maintained adequate capital to handle my transactions and fully understand the risk involved. I have had training in this area. I have used inverse funds to hedge my position in the long market, which as of late was sorely needed. If I'm long on the S & P, I routinely protect my position with an appropriate inverse fund. Please consider your decision and protect the average investor who chooses to manage their own account.