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Ben Moyers Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ben Moyers

As an individual investor who started with very little and has put countless hours into learning the markets to be successful, Im completely outraged at the the thought of another government regulatory entity over-stepping their bounds in an attempt to protect me from risk. The money I invest comes from my employment wages, so there is careful calculation and consideration put into each position I enter in to. I have been trading leveraged and inverse funds for many years and have done so successfully without the need for passing tests or proving knowledge and/or skills to a brokerage. Leveraged and inverse funds are an essential tool I use to both hedge my investments and enhance my returns under calculated circumstances. To me, this just appears to be an attempt to limit these sophisticated investment tools to just those privileged enough to work in the financial sector. Leveraged and inverse funds should be a public investment tool with equal opportunity for all.