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Barry Swi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Barry Swi

Leveraged and inverse ETFs offer regular investors a safe way to invest in a wider variety of securities, achieve higher returns and meet financial goals faster. Without these instruments, achieving these returns would require investors to take risky short positions or margin trade, which are much riskier than being able to invest in these funds. My brokerage already has adequate warnings about these instruments, and requires investors to agree to a concise and clear agreement as well as switch one's investment goal to the Most Aggressive category, making it abundantly clear that these instruments require deliberate planning and thought before investing. The restrictions of passing a test, high net worth, cooling off periods etc. only serve as barriers to push out the common investor from being able to attain enhanced returns, backsliding the efforts in democratizing finance. I strongly believe that these restrictions are not in the best interests of the American investor, and urge regulators to scrape this measure.