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Ayman Dabibi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ayman Dabibi

I strongly oppose any restrictions of my rights to invest in leveraged funds. I should be able to make my own investment decisions with my own capital. I, along with many others opposing such restrictions are well aware of the risks involved with investing in leveraged funds and many of us use such funds to enhance our returns during periods of economic growth (i.e. 2010 - 2020). I do not need to take an exam or become a qualified investor to understand the concept of/invest in leveraged funds. There have been times where my portfolio was down due to the leveraged funds that I was investing in. However, overall, I have made the most amount of money in my life through investing in leveraged funds. I have spent hours reading about leveraged funds and believe they are not complicated at all (TQQQ for example attempts to generate 3x the returns of QQQ - this is fairly simple to understand). I hope that you consider my comments, along with the myriad of other similar comments regarding our strong opposition to restrictions on investing in leveraged funds. Thank you and have a wonderful day.