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AW Sears Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

AW Sears

Comments: how many of you on the FINRA board are responsible for your own retirement? Ill bet you get a pension from the very government that Im betting will make a policy error. When The last fed President promised no more recessions, I wanted to find a way to bet against such arrogance. Not with your money, but mine. Ironically if Im right the IRS will tax me at a higher bracket. But if your wrong, and you take away my ability to leverage against the govs mistake, I am punished twice. Working forever to replace that money and paying for policy errors. If you can prove fraud, as a board I am interested. It not, you get a pension, it really none of your business how I choose protect against a government policy error. Please leave leveraged and inverse funds up to the person buying them. Thank you, from a never worked for the government entity. AWS