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Averill Stewart Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Averill Stewart

I truly feel that this new regulation would severely damage any investor that is interested in securing his or her financial future.

Cryptocurrency is the one financial vehicle that is not only affordable to ANY investor regardless of the amount of wealth they may have but that can change an investors financial status overnight.

It is no more risky, than any stock an investor may buy or trade, or any real estate venture.

It's no different than any trade made on a forex platform. Investors know the risk that they take once they decide to invest in ANY FINANCIAL VENTURE. If anything, why not force people to read a financial disclaimer that they understand the risks they are taking while trading in any financial markets of any kind?

I believe that your regulation is a way to protect the old fashioned Banking industry and it's way of STEALING the little bit of wealth poorer individuals and families in the United States may have by offering the small pittance of interest given for traditional checking and savings accounts. Then turning around and offering credit and loan products at EXTRAORDINARY interest rates that put the same individual in unbearable debt.

It is not right and it is not fair to the individuals who have worked hard over a lifetime and are trying to better their economic future by investing in Cryptocurrencies and other non traditional means to increase the financial outlook for themselves and their families.

It is not right to force a law abiding, tax paying citizen to have to obtain an expensive license in order to buy sell and trade in non traditional and traditional wealth making opportunities.

Again I strongly object to your callous view and oversight of a burgeoning financial opportunity for any person of poor to modest means, stopping them from achieving financial freedom for the benefit of the traditional banking system.