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Asad Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


Please do not restrict the ability of retail customers to invest in Complex Products. In a market downturn, inverse ETFs/ETPs are some of the easiest ways to hedge against falling market. Placing what I view to be artificial restrictions on these types of products will hinder retail customers ability to simply survive a large-scale market correction. I am invested in a very small quantity of inverse ETFs, simply to try and survive a broad market downturn.
In lieu of these artificial restrictions, I believe two areas need to be further investigated and regulated by FINRA and other governing bodies, which would make for a better market, specifically for retail investors:
1. Payment for Order Flow
2. Securities trading in Dark Pools
I do not believe retail investors are currently operating in a "free and fair" market. Placing further restrictions on products retail customers can invest in will completely erode my confidence in the market as a whole.