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Aryeh Har-Even Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Aryeh Har-Even

Options are far more dangerous than leveraged ETFs for multiple reasons (e.g. time decay with options whereas one can hold ones "too soon" leveraged positions until market conditions change) and youre proposing this? Makes no sense. Please leave we the investor make own decisions. Politicians should not restrict the freedom of the little guy while only benefiting the privileged. Also, in conditions such as the current market (05-04-22), this is when I tend to use leveraged funds for "a portion" of my longterm portfolio to offset losses. This stradegy, which I am currently doing, is IMPORTANT to my investment strategy. I DO NOT want to start with buying options as they are far more dangerous. PS I have already accepted the risk of using these leveraged investments when I enrolled. In fact, my brokerage, Fidelity, regularly reminds me of the risk before such positions are adopted. Thank you and here's hoping reason prevails.