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Arlyn Helmuth Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Arlyn Helmuth

I find it reprehensible that you would try to limit my ability to invest as an individual. I use inverse funds and futures to build income on the downside and if you limit my access to those products you will be limiting my ability to continue to build my portfolio and bring in income when the market falls.

I don't understand the desire or need to regulate people's freedom. You cannot protect everyone from everything. There is such a thing as personal responsibility and if you continue to protect people from themselves they will stop thinking and become more susceptible to ignorant decisions which is likely why you see the loses in investments now. People will loose money in investments, it's just going to happen. Those of us who only invest in products we understand should not pay the price for those who invest in products they don't understand. And making "complex" vehicles only available to the already wealthy is so discriminating and will make so only they get wealthier.

If you limit "complex" vehicles, especially those that are inverse you will severally limit people like me to invest and make a profit when nothing else is profitable. I find it frustrating that people are fine to loose money when the market is moving up and there is positive social mood, but suddenly when they loose it to the downside because they don't know better you want to take away my ability to make money or have to pay a broker.

I completely oppose any new regulations to any investments. It's already frustrating to invest in some products with all the warnings and information some investments require.