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Aparna Sarasam Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


Hi, I am writing to ask you to NOT limit my ability to freely invest in any type of public securities. I'm an individual investor and I've been investing and trading securities of all kinds for the past 10 years. Im an active learner and constantly educate myself about opportunities and associated risks. I have paid-subscriptions to several investment advisors. I make informed decisions that are right for my family's financial goals. Here are a few examples of my knowledge and experience: Leveraged and inverse funds have been extremely profitable to me. During the COVID-19 market crash of mar'2020, i made rich profits trading 3x leveraged volatility etfs. I have also benefitted a lot by trading cryptocurrency and 3x leveraged ETNs such as FNGU. Real estate and building funds and etfs are my darlings. Currently, commodity funds and etfs are the heroes. Some of the tech IPOs have made wonderful success stories in the recent past. The world is rapidly changing. As the United States struggles with stagflation and labor shortage, it is good to diversify and invest (for long term) in emerging markets like India, Brazil and China. As you can see, I am capable of understanding not only the benefits and risks associated with some of the funds that you are planning to regulate, but also the current and projected future market conditions. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. All of the above funds have helped me increase my net worth by several multiples, even though theyre just a small portion of my portfolio. Please do not take this away from me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Thank you for your consideration.