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Anuj Sultania Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Anuj Sultania

Why only block leveraged products? I say block the whole stock market for people with less than a million dollars in liquidity. Please create more and tougher hurdles for pleabian class people like us so it becomes even tougher for regular folks like us to climb the financial ladder.

That was sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious to you braindead politicians/regulators.

Now for something constructive. Yes leveraged products are dangerous and comes with substantial risk. But restricting these to high net worth people is dumb. I have a low net worth but I understand the risks when I invest/trade such products such as tqqq, sqqq, etc.

Make the hurdle one of knowledge. Require me to pass a knowledge test to show that I understand the risk of leveraged products. Acquiring knowledge is cheap. Acquiring a million dollars can take over a lifetime.